Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Thing 20--You Tube

Thing 1, being 14, has made sure I have a great appreciation for You Tube. Maybe not the politically correct or educational aspects of You Tube, but I definitely know it's potential from teaching basic rugby to catching up with Mr. Bean. But it's the music videos that keep him coming back...bands from Germany to Australia have caught his eye. The best marketing tool for Indie bands at the moment. Myself, having recently finished Kitchen Duty at work have a great appreciation for one of the oldies of You Tube--Terry Tate Office Linebacker. Warning: some offensive language, but if you're ready for football season and have seen the kitchen in Elkton on a Monday afternoon you might like.

1 comment:

Della said...

Wow! Can we have our own CCPL football player to tackle our kitchen litterers??